"Let me see your papers" - The Further Adventures of 'The New Adventures of Hitler'

Post date: Sep 12, 2013 8:16:50 PM

Following on from yesterday's post on Pat Kane and Grant Morrison's spat over The New Adventures of Hitler, here's a couple more clippings on the same subject. First up is Bill Sinclair's editorial, 'Adolf Hitler: Not an apology', published in the same June '89 issue of Cut as the Pat Kane column from yesterday, and featuring a tantalising glimpse at Morrison's original outline for the series. Second is an article from the The Guardian by Richard Wilson, 'Furore over the Führer" which originally ran in the 19th June 1989 edition of the paper.

If there's anyone with a Life Of Grime-style house full of old newspapers who has a copy of The Sun's undoubtedly sensational coverage from the same period I'd love to see it. Please do get in touch.