The Multiversity #1 Annotations

Post date: Aug 22, 2014 9:55:35 PM

The five year wait is over, and Grant Morrison's latest final word on superheroes is here at last. In case you haven't seen (yeah right, who am I trying to kid?) the legend that is David Uzumeri has returned to Comics Alliance for their annotations, and Yeezus of the New Gods Jim Harbor is crafting an epic analysis for the ages on his own blog (multiple thousands of words on the first three pages so far - link as soon as it's done!). I suspect (hope, pray) the Mindless Ones will cast their esoteric hat into the Borromean ring as well at some point, and I I'd urge you to check them all out - there's a lot to be said for fresh pairs of eyes, and, if The Multiversity proves to be half as dense as Seven Soldiers or Final Crisis, you could comfortably read a million words on it and still not cover every wrinkle that hides between the pages.

So why not get a head start on those million words right now, and dive in to the annotations for issue #1?