Nancy Sinatoro

Post date: Jul 20, 2011 9:9:21 PM

ITEM! - Adam Egypt Mortimer, via the Sinatoro Facebook page, has revealed the exclusive Sinatoro t-shirt design that'll be doing the rounds of the San Diego Comic-Con. Of course if anyone reading this happens to be going to San Diego and happens to pick up a spare...

ITEM! - The 'real' cover to September's Action Comics #1 was revealed on the New York Post site a few days ago and also features, along with a teeny tiny page of art, in the DC: The New 52 #1 freebie, now available in all good comics shops.

ITEM! - Another fantastic Supergods related interview at Comic Book Grrrl's blog. This curious press junket that Morrison is on at the moment has resulted in some of his best interviews in years. A choice quote:

"When we're absorbing their paranoid, hysterical vision of the world in constant crisis we should never forget just how much coffee, alcohol, Red Bull and cocaine is consumed by incredibly stressed-out workers in the media industries."

ITEM! - And another one as Wired 'go deep', talking to Morrison about "digitalism, pantheism, why humanity might be a planetary cancer and much more,"

ITEM! - And finally... Finally!... an actual bit of Universe B art to show... Coming up tomorrow, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!