Batman Incorporated v2 #9 Annotations

Post date: Jun 09, 2013 12:15:22 AM

This issue of Batman Incorporated is an Easter Egg-lite but thematically heavy requiem for Damian Wayne following his death last issue, and once again Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham (with able assistance from Jason Masters and Nathan Fairbairn) deliver the goods.

Word on the streets is that Batman Incorporated v2 will now run to 13 issues, with a Chris Burnham penned fill-in for issue #11 and the conclusion proper coming in #12 and (a likely extra-sized) #13. Also to come once this roller coaster ride grinds to a halt is a Batman Incorporated Special with contributions from Burnham, Fairbairn, Joe Keatinge and, in an unlikely turn, a Dan Didio/Ethan Van Sciver Bat Cow story. But for now? Annotations-ho!

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