
NME - Reiching Havoc September 1989

SPEAKEASY #100 - Grant Morrison in Fascist Controversy July 1989

CUT - Adolf Among The Scallies June 1989 Jane Denholm

CUT - Scotch Myths February 1989 Jane Denholm

FA #109 - Grant Morrison Talking To Mark Millar January 1989 Mark Millar

SPEAKEASY #94 - Top 10 Comics of 1988 January 1989

I-D #65 - The Comic Rat Pack December 1988-January 1989

SPEAKEASY #93 - Madhouse December 1988 Alan Mitchell

HEARTBREAK HOTEL #6 - Wild Thing! November 1988

AFTER-IMAGE #6 - Grant Morrison January 1988 Steve Holland

ARKENSWORD #23 - Zenith - A Team-up Between Grant Morrison And Steve Yeowell January 1988

SPEAKEASY #76 - Zenith July 1987

FUSION #7 - Captain Clyde: His Life And Death And Death and Life December 1985 Tony O'Donnell

BOMBS AWAY BATMAN! #1 - Interview with the Mixers 1983

GROOVY BLACK SHADES #6 - The Mixers 1983 Paul Groovy

GOVAN PRESS - He's Quick on the Draw - That's Grant! November 1976 Michael Kernan

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