Annotation's what you need...

Post date: May 17, 2011 12:8:55 PM

As part of some sort of karmic retribution cycle, Grant Morrison's website is relaunched as The Comics Journal, the Sinatoro site and Andrew Hickey's site fall off the face of the Earth. Where are we going to read the last part of amypoodle's awesome 'Hauntology and The Invisibles' piece now? Or indeed the rest of Andrew's Seven Soldiers book?!

Update: '21st century constant media feed straight into the brain' panic over. They're all back now apart from Sinatoro. Does this mean its gone the way of The Indestructible Man and the Area 51 movie (i.e. lots of hype and nothing to show for it)?

Its not all bad news though, the Mindless crew have new Batchat and annocommentations for issue six up, and I managed to slog through the annotations for issues one and two of Batman Incorporated over the weekend (click the covers for links). Three and four should be up by the end of the week. Now back to googling that Grant Morrison Sherlock Holmes movie...