Bury My Heart at Iron Knee - Batman Incorporated #7 Annotations

Post date: Jun 30, 2011 10:34:49 PM

New annotations are up for Batman Incorporated #7!

In other news, according to David Uzumeri, Batman Incorporated #9 and #10 have fallen off the release shedules, and DC now has them listed as TBC, presumably ensuring that they won't be released before September's DC relaunch. That could mean that Batman Inc's planned hiatus may not be as long as was originally thought and that, rather than stopping altogether only to restart later in 2012, we might just as well be drip fed the remaining three issues of Inc in the run up to Batman: Leviathan. Or it may not. I would love to check for myself but everytime I go on to DC's website I get a virus on my computer. Yeah, thanks for that DC...

Keep an eye on those crazy kids over at Mindless Ones too, as the transcript of their fantastic Grant Morrison interview is now up. And finally, Bleeding Cool has DC Comics' video presentation on the new 52, featuring Mr Morrison as one of the talking heads...