The (In)Complete Zenith - A Review
Post date: Aug 31, 2013 1:36:34 AM
So, Rebellion were kind enough to send me a review PDF of their upcoming The Complete Zenith book and I'm going to take a look at it, warts and all, and let you know what I think. Before I do though it's probably worth mentioning that I'm not really going to talk about the well-publicized and ongoing ownership issue at all. There are plenty of other places around the internet where you can read interpretations of the legal issues involved - I'd particularly recommend Laura Sneddon's 'MAD MENTAL CRAZY! The True Life of the Fabulous Zenith' series over at The Beat for a comprehensive take on one side of the argument. A very different reading of the same set of facts can be had over at the 2000 AD Forums, where I think it's fair to say Morrison's claim of ownership is seen by the collective in a much murkier light.
Did I buy the book? Yes. Do I feel guilty about it? A little bit, though Rebellion have confirmed that they will be paying royalties to both Steve Yeowell and Grant Morrison (should the book actually make it to publication). I bought a copy of the one that was stashed in a warehouse and intended never to see the light of day as well, and nobody got paid any royalties on that.
"No shame that one, no shame at all..."
Anyway, enough of the preamble. Let's look at the book (or a close digital approximation of it) shall we?