The Unseen Grant Morrison - Don't Look Down (STV 1994)

Post date: Feb 13, 2014 11:28:27 PM

The Colossus of Rhodes. The Memoirs of Byron. Batman Fights Dracula. Some things are lost to the mists of time forever. You'd think a local television profile of Grant Morrison from 20 years ago, broadcast once just before the release of The Invisibles and never repeated might also be one of those things, right?

Wrong. Here's the full piece on Grant from 1994 STV magazine show Don't Look Down. Featuring David Lloyd in a pair of giant glasses; a 12 year old Mark Millar; a live action recreation of Animal Man #26; and a peek into the full extent of Grant's champagne-soaked, Warholesque (and *very* 90's) Bohemian lifestyle...