Krark-aeology - Grant Morrison's Zoids

Post date: Nov 26, 2013 8:37:49 PM

Posted for no better reason than I thought of a good pun for the title today, here's some links to scans of Grant Morrison's complete run on the Marvel UK Zoids strips, originally printed in the British Spider-Man & Zoids comic circa 1986-87, and here on the internet thanks to the lovely folks over at Blood For The Baron.

Though both Panini and IDW have made previous unsuccessful attempts to republish the strip, it seems very unlikely that Zoids will ever be officially reprinted, given the relatively insignificant profits involved; a teeny tiny drop in the ocean to giant mega-corporation and owner of the Zoids IP, Takara Tomy (see also: Marvel's Rom comics).

There might even be some unexpected treats here for the die-hard and grizzled Morrison veteran - 'Revelations', an Invisibles-lite tale of higher dimensional reality-manipulating entities from issue #50, is often left out of Morrison bibliographies; and issue #18 almost always is, even in the bibliography on Grant's own website. And right at the end there's a link to what remains of the unpublished Zoids #1, a planned monthly continuation of the strip intended to be published Stateside by Marvel's juvenile Star Comics line. Legend has it that when pages of the Morrison/Yeowell Vietnam parable started to come in they were immediately deemed 'too adult' and the title was canned, never to be glimpsed by an unsuspecting public. Until now...*

(* - Or whenever The Baron put the scans up originally. You get the idea... Links are to Flash galleries so they'll always start on page 1. I've put the pages numbers against each corresponding issue though so you know where to find them.)

Issue #18 - Page 35-40

Issue #19 - Page 41-45

Issue #30 - Page 1-6

Issue #31 - Page 7-11

Issue #36 - Page 6-11

Issue #37 - Page 12-16

Issue #40 - Page 1-6

Issue #41 - Page 7-11

Issue #42 - Page 12-17

Issue #43 - Page 18-22

Issue #44 - Page 23-28

Issue #45 - Page 29-33

Issue #46 - Page 34-39

Issue #47 - Page 1-5

Issue #48 - Page 6-11

Issue #49 - Page 12-16

Issue #50 - Page 17-22

Zoids Monthly #1

Cover images gratefully pilfered from