It Was The 90's - Grant Morrison in Select Magazine
Post date: Sep 16, 2011 6:49:41 PM
For your visual pleasure, three articles from long-dead mid-90's Britpop Bible Select (like a sort of glossy monthly NME) - in which Zenith talks about his acid-house exploits and frisky encounters with Twin Peaks sexpot Sherilyn Fenn, Big Dave hits the town for ten pints of fight and, the best of the bunch, Grant Morrison, in probably the last in-continuity appearance of his fork-tongued Morrisey-esque 90's persona, doles out the venom to pretty much every single released in November of 1994 (apart from Shampoo's Viva La Megababes).
Unfortunately these articles come with a health warning, and not just the ones running along the bottom of all the Benson & Hedges adverts within the pages of the magazine. Pretty much any humour or cultural reference contained within will be lost on anyone not British and slightly over 30... If that's you though, drink deep from the well!
The first two were written by Adam Higginbotham, with input from Grant Morrison and Steves Parkhouse and Yeowell. The New Singles piece is by Stephen Eastwood and is basically an interview. Whoever owned the copyright to these things still does and they're reproduced here because I've just got a new printer and its the first one I've had with a scanner big enough to scan these in with... Any objections, let me know.
Click the pics for the full size hit. I've kept 'em big (like, really big. Like actual size big. Maybe even bigger) so you can read the text...