The Unseen Grant Morrison - Morrison draws Moore

Post date: Feb 04, 2012 6:44:36 PM

From the pages of Hugh Campbell's impossibly rare Fusion fanzine, two pieces of mid-80's Morrison artwork featuring characters created by or famously associated with Alan Moore.

D.R and Quinch, with art by Alan Davis, appeared in various spoof problem page pieces for 2000 A.D. Marvelman, or Miracleman as he went on to be known following a legal run-in with the American publisher, was created by Mick Anglo as a quick-fix replacement for Fawcett's Captain Marvel, when Fawcett were put out of business in a lawsuit brought by DC Comics in 1953. British publisher L. Miller & Son, who had been reprinting Fawcett's Captain Marvel material in the UK, needed a similar character to fill their pages and, thanks to Anglo's fervid imagination, Marvelman, along with his extended super-family, was born. A tale of Young Marvelman meeting Teutonic tall-tale teller Baron Munchausen originally published in a 1961 Marvelman Adventures Annual is often cited by Morrison as one of the first comic books he can remember reading, and one with a lasting influence.

After decades lying dormant the Marvelman character was revived by Dez Skinn, Alan Moore, Alan Davis and Garry Leach in Skinn's Warrior anthology. It's "super-hero realism" served both as an influence and as something to react against in Morrison's subsequent work, especially Zenith.

Click the pics for the bigger versions. The D.R. & Quinch one is not too great as it was taken from an auction listing on ebay. The Miracleman one is a proper scan though, and absolutely massive. You have been warned...