Finally... Action Comics #1

Post date: Jun 11, 2011 10:51:9 AM

Yesterday, DC finally announced the last few stragglers from their fifty two new number one issues due to hit stands in September and one of them was the much-rumoured Action Comics #1 by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales. Effectively ending his six year Bat-run with the cancellation of Batman Incorporated (though the twelve issue conclusion will ship next year), Morrison moves across to the Super-franchise and arguably both it's and DC's flagship title. This was DC's official skinny from their Source blog -

This September, New York Times bestselling writer Grant Morrison (ALL-STAR SUPERMAN) joins with sensational artist Rags Morales to bring you tales of The Man of Tomorrow unlike any you’ve ever read before in ACTION COMICS #1. This momentous first issue will set in motion the history of the DC Universe as Superman defends a world that doesn’t trust their first Super Hero.

The first Action Comics #1 is now the most sought-after comic book of all time. This September, one of comics’ most imaginative storytellers will make history again in Grant Morrison and Rags Morales’ ACTION COMICS #1.

It sounds like Morrison is responding to his own theory in the forthcoming Supergods book that Superman, the socialist, working man's hero, has grown increasingly irrelevant over the last few daecades as the world turns its attention toward super-capitalist boy done good Batman and his ilk. It'll certainly be interesting to see what Grant does with it. From the LA Times Hero Complex blog where the news first broke, here's a scan of the cover to the new Action Comics #1