Delays-y Monday Afternoon

Post date: May 23, 2011 9:23:57 PM

According to the DC Comics website, Batman Incorporated #7, originally due for release this Wednesday, is now scheduled to go on sale June 29th. Issue eight has been moved back to July 20th and issue nine to August 10th, giving us a double dose of Batman, Inc. in August with issue ten released two weeks later on the 24th.

Hopefully the rumour that DC is "cancelling" all of their titles in the wake of Flashpoint and re-starting or replacing them all in September doesn't extend to Batman Incorporated. For starters there are more solicits than there are issues on the schedule at the moment; issue six was supposed to be the first of a two part team-up with Man-of-Bats rather than the unsolicited 'Batman Inc. World Tour' that we got.

If we do end up 'losing' one before issue ten my money's on the 'Interworld' virtual whodunit. With Morrison returning to drink from the computer-generated Digital Justice well after the deeply weird art in 'The Clown At Midnight', it sounds self-contained enough to shelve and use for filler after all this Flashpoint hoo-ha has calmed down if needs be.

I'll leave you with Chris Burnham's originally solicited cover for issue six... and issue seven. Don't mess with a man riding a buffalo...