More Meat for the Meat-Eaters - Links for Friday

Post date: Jul 08, 2011 7:39:30 PM

Another busy few days, with Grant Morrison giving Supergods-focused talks in book and comic shops up and down the land to celebrate its release into the wild (here in the UK at least). Our American cousins will still have to wait until July 19th, though they can probably score an escaped-from-captivity signed copy on ebay this week if they're really desperate. Bleeding Cool had coverage of his appearance at Foyles in London on 4th July, while Orbital Comics managed to grab the man for a podcast interview, artfully designed to compliment the Mindless Ones' own efforts last week, before his appearance at Forbidden Planet in London on the 6th. Disappointingly, it sounds like Bonnyroad isn't happening now, though news that We3 has a new director attached can only be good. And there's still at least one more signing to come at Forbidden Planet Glasgow on 14th July.

Elsewhere, SciFiNow interviews Morrison about Supergods and the upcoming Action Comics relaunch, while The Beat weighs in with a consideration of how Supergods' close reading of the original Action Comics #1 cover might have serious legal ramifications for the heirs of Seigel and Shuster and their ongoing efforts to reclaim the Superman trademark fom DC.

And finally... Andrew Hickey has finished his Seven Soldiers book, and I'll be interviewing him about it here on the site tomorrow, so be sure to call back then...