Sir Links-A-Lot

Post date: Jan 18, 2014 1:33:11 PM

Actually, while you're here, does anyone have copies of Grant's original scripts they fancy trading/selling? Any series will do, but Invisibles ones would be especially cool. I'm less interested in 'originals' (as these tend to cost money) and more in scans or copies. If you think you might have something I'd be interested in I'm sure I can dig up something that might interest you in return. Please do let me know if any of this cloak and dagger talk is of interest. Cheers!

ITEM! Still no news from DC on the Multiversity or Wonder Woman: Earth One front, but Frazer Irving reports on his Tumblr that work on his and Grant's Annihilator mini for Legendary Comics continues apace. Worrying rumours coming out of November's Thought Bubble convention suggest that the bean-counters at Vertigo have (temporarily?) put the stoppers on Seaguy Eternal, given that the first two Seaguy series didn't recoup their costs and neither Grant nor Cameron Stewart have any ongoing work at DC currently that they can use as leverage. With Shelley Bond now solely in charge of Vertigo following Will Dennis' departure to Marvel, hopefully this can all be sorted out soon and - given Cameron's legendary speediness (he evidently completed the art for his 40pg 'Thunderworld' issue of Multiversity inside a month) - we might even see an issue published this year. Fingers crossed :)

ITEM! It's been a hella long time since Alan Moore knew the score, but he once again took to the interwebs last week to direct an incredibly long and involved rant at Grant (amongst others). You can read the full force of Alan's invective here should you have a spare 15 years or so, but you're probably better off with Marc-Oliver Frisch and Marc Singer demolishing Affable Al's ramblings rather than wasting the precious few years you have left suffering through auld Al's diatribe.

ITEM! Grant appeared (twice) on BBC Radio 4's Chain Reaction series over the last couple of weeks. In his first appearance Grant was interviewed by Scottish comedian and Grandmaster of the offensive Frankie Boyle. Morrison swapped chairs the following week and put the questions to The Rutles' Neil Innes. Both are still available on the BBC's iPlayer service and are well worth a listen.

Links posts? Whatever happened to them eh? Lotsa Morrison news over the past few weeks, here's some pointers in case you missed any of it.ITEM! Announced at last week's Image Expo, Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham - now both apparently free from the shackles of their DC exclusive deals - will be collaborating on a new six-issue horror flavoured mini-series entitled Nameless. Described as taking "all the dark stuff that Western culture’s kind of obsessed with — the zombies and everything — beyond the limit and doing hopefully for now what H.P. Lovecraft did for the wartime generation.", a USA Today interview with Grant followed, alongside a Los Angeles Times' Hero Complex interview with Burnham discussing some of his frankly horrific real-life reference points for the series. Expect to see it at some point later this year.