Slamming the Wasps from the Pure Apple of Truth...

Post date: Oct 15, 2011 10:11:17 PM

ITEM! Its that 'links to interviews and some other random stuff' time again. Made all the more exciting this time around by being quite out of date and mostly consisting of things I forgot to link to when they were all hip and current. Oh well, bygones and all that...

ITEM! First up is this interview with Fast Company from the back end of August - fairly standard fare for the great Supergods-interview-o-rama that seems to be drawing to a close now. There's also this interview with Scotland's Daily Record, where news of Grant's next movie project, 2000AD's Rogue Trooper, broke a couple of weeks ago. And finally there are two 'uncut' interviews from Laura Sneddon's Comicbookgrrrl blog, firstly the full version of 'Meanwhile, back on planet Earth...', the interview that appeared in the Independent newspaper a few weeks back, and second a transcript of Grant's appearance at the Edinburgh Book Festival, where he confirmed he's working on a Wonder Woman book that will bring some of the femenist sexuality of the character back to the fore, to be released "hopefully" next year.

ITEM! Thanks to Brian Cronin's Comics Should Be Good blog for giving me the heads up on Todd Matthy's stage adaption of Arkham Asylum. Its very faithful to the book though would, I imagine, run into quite a lot of problems in the actual 'staging' (there are ten scenes all with very particular - and different - prop and scenery requirements), but Todd does a good job of conveying the story through dialogue alone.

The part where Arkham and Batman are simultaneously writing and reading the journal in two different time periods reminded me of a scene in Alex Cox's film adaption of Borges Death and the Compass (now easily this blogs favourite film - this is its third or fourth mention on here...) where characters speaking on the phone fade in and out of the picture thanks to some old school theatrical lighting, and a 'wall' made of a material that goes transparent when the right light is shone upon it. Look out for it, its a cool effect. And Todd... you can have that one for free...

ITEM! Speaking of adaptions of Arkham Asylum, in case you've neer seen it here's a fan-made (Spanish language) trailer for an Arkham Asylum movie from 2008, made by a guy named Miguel Mesas. Excellent work from Miguel there, heavily stylized just as it should be. Unfortunately for Miguel, his planned movie adaptation of Alan Moore's Hypothetical Lizard never came off, but, according to IMDB, he was the costume designer on this 2011 adaption of Victor Mora's Captain Trueno comic, so at least he found gainful employment somewhere in the movie industry.

ITEM! Bought a 17-year old issue of DC's 'coming attractions' freebie Direct Currents off ebay the other day (yes, you read that sentence correctly...) with a bit of pre-publication Invisibles promo art I hadn't seen before in it. I think its by Jill Thompson, and if it is the Ragged Robin is very self-portraity. Anyway, I thought i would share it with the rest of the class... Click the picture for the big version.

ITEM! Finally, a couple of shout outs to folks that have helped edge my Grant Morrison comics collection ever closer to completion this month - Bob over at the Tearoom of Despair very kindly swapped me a copy of the Food for Thought one-shot for a bunch of 2000AD's (and, incidentally, has an excellent and thoughtful comics blog which I would encourage any of you to visit), whilst Traders of Babylon - what appears to be a quite frightening second-hand jewellry store in New Jersey (?!) - sent me a big fat envelope full of Batman variants, all bought for cover price or thereabouts. Cheers fellas!