Authority v1 28


Brave New World 3 of 4

Wildstorm, April 2004, FC, 32pgs, $2.50


Cover by Art Adams

Mark Millar/Art Adams/Tim Townsend/Baron

They've murdered, they've lied, they've tortured and stolen. Now the new Authority shows its ugly side. But this diabolical, dysfunctional super-team may be running out of time, as one of our heroes finally returns for some bloody payback. And when things start going terribly wrong, whom do the new Authority call for backup? That's right: the homicidal hayseed Seth, who's got some unfinished business of his own!

Credited to Mark Millar, this issue was actually ghost-written at Millar's request by Grant Morrison as Millar had missed his deadlines due to health concerns. The fallout from Morrison's public pronouncement that he rather than Millar had written it led to their fallout after many years of friendship. In subsequent years, Millar seems to have taken the stance of pretending that Morrison doesn't exist, barely mentioning in any interview the man that played a large part in launching his career. Morrison, on the other hand, still talks about Millar, or more specifically his work, though often not, especially in the case of Civil War, in the kindest of terms. Certainly their days of frequent collaboration have never seemed more distant. More's the pity, as Millar is unarguably a much better writer now than when he and Morrison wrote Skrull Kill Krew together.