More Talk, More Action

Post date: Sep 03, 2011 12:31:46 AM

Evening all. Few bits and bobs of news to report then back into the hidey hole.

ITEM! - Yahoo and Newsarama simultaneously unveil 'exclusive' preview pages of Action Comics #1, with six (non-sequential) pages of story and both the covers. Looking pretty good so far...

ITEM! - ...and incidentally, if you're in the UK, due to the Bank Holiday scuppering any plans for Justice League #1 midnight openings for us Brits (yeah, big shame that...), we're having them this week instead. My local shop, Leeds' OK Comics are doing one and Orbital Comics in central London will definitely be participating too, so check with your local comic book store and get on down there for a crisp copy of Action #1 a big fifteen hours before it hits the racks in the States...

ITEM! - New interview with Grant at Newsarama all about Action, with a little Batman Incorporated and Multiversity thrown in for good measure. Seems Batman Incorporated #10 isn't finished yet, so I'll expect the Leviathan Strikes one-shot just before the world ends next December...

ITEM! - A good, long interview with Grant in this months Rolling Stone, which you can read online here. Ruffled a few comic fanboy's feathers this one, but I think he makes a pretty good point about DC's all or nothing tactics at the minute. And its good to know he didn't really mean all thise nice things he said about Identity Crisis in Supergods.

ITEM! - A copy of the rare-as-rocking-horse-shit fanzine Fusion popped up on ebay the other day and realised a cool £40. The issue in question, #3, didn't have the Holy Grail Kid Marvelman script (are we all in agreement that this basically no longer exists? Even crazy Marvelman plastic bag completists don't have a copy) but it did feature this pleasing to the eye D.R. & Quinch back cover pin-up by Grant, very kindly scanned in by the seller.

ITEM! - There's also a radio interview on the National Public Radio networks in the States broadcast a couple of weeks ago that you can listen to here. Its the usual mainstream media Supergods stuff, though the interviewer does seem particularly fascinated with transvestism...

ITEM! - Probably a little late with this one but Meltdown Comics is selling off some of the exlusive prints and shot glasses that were handed out at Grant's appearance there last month, as well as the last few SDCC exclusive Sinatoro t-shirts. Though they do ship internationally, postage is nightmarishly expensive - $60 for a t-shirt? Yikes! Everything is evidently very limited so get it while you can.

ITEM! - And finally... I watched the second disc of the All-Star Superman Blu Ray this week and the documentary on there, 'Superman Now', is actually very good. Well worth a watch if you can.

Coming soon... More Universe B artwork! More New X-Men annotations! More! More! More! How do you like it? How do you like it?