The Links Effect

Post date: Jun 27, 2011 6:0:22 PM

Lots happening in the last few days here in our Grant Morrison-centric corner of the internet; new Batmannotations for Batman Incorporated #5 and #6 from David Uzumeri; two more chapters on Frankenstein and Bulleteer from Andrew Hickey's Seven Soldiers book (and watch out for an interview with the esteemed Mr Hickey on this very site sometime soon); a short interview with the equally esteemed Mr Grant Morrison in anticipaton of the upcoming Supergods from Glasgow's The List website (and don't forget my own review posted a few days ago). And best of all, via Newsarama and Chris Burnham's Twitter feed, a four page preview of Batman Incorporated #7, due in all good comic shops this Wednesday.

Now to get a head start on those annotations...

(UPDATE: Those eloquent chaps over at Mindless Ones have interviewed Morrison about Supergods, predictions for a superheroic future and Elton John Adventures, amongst other weird and wonderful subjects. Just audio at the moment but a transcript is coming soon. Well worth a listen!)