News from the Future

Post date: Aug 10, 2011 7:27:6 PM

ITEM! - A couple more interviews from the Great Supergods Publicity Tour of 2011 - David Uzumeri, the Original Batmannotator, interviews Grant over at Comics Alliance, getting some interesting Batman Inc./Leviathan info in the process, and the Scotland on Sunday newspaper had a good interview in its Sunday supplement a few weeks back. You can read it online for the moment but hurry up, for some reason these Scottish press things tend not to hang about for too long.

ITEM! - Here's Camilla D'Errico's sweet San Diego exclusive cover for the DVD of Patrick Meaney's Talking With Gods documentary. Camilla talks a little bit about it here, and seems to be saying that she's still up for Me and Atomika Bomb/The New Bible - Morrison's long promised creator-owned project starring the daughter of James Bond villain Doctor No and featuring art by Ms D'Errico - if only he'd get round to sending her a script. Its good to hear there's still a chance of it appearing as Camilla is a stellar artist with a very different style to what us superhero-centric comic geeks are used to seeing. Should be pretty interesting if it ever gets published.

ITEM! - As I said a couple of weeks back, I started annotating JLA and I've managed to plow through another four issues... of New X-Men. Yeah, I'm not sure how that happened either but it did. Check out the Marvel Annotations page for links - more to follow in the next few weeks probably.

ITEM! - In case you don't prowl the comic release sites, or visit DC's Source blog because it gives your computer a virus (Just like it did mine at work. Thanks DC.), Batman Incorporated #8 is due for release two weeks from today, August 24th, with Action Comics #1 due two weeks after that on September 7th. Its looking almost certain that Batman Incorporated #9 and #10 won't be out until the autumn, making them - as far as I can tell - unique in that they'll be the only comics in DC's main publishing line that are continuing the numbering from pre-relaunch. Somebody call Norris McWhirter!

(Update-o! - Hang up that spirit phone! According to this thread over at CBR, DC has confirmed (to somebody...) that the final two issues of Batman Inc. will be released as an oversized one-shot entitled Batman: Leviathan Strikes! sometime in the autumn)

ITEM! - Marc Singer - no, not the Beastmaster - of the excellent I Am NOT The Beastmaster blog, has an upcoming book on Morrison due to be published by the University Press of Mississippi in December. Titled Grant Morrison: Combining the Worlds of Contemporary Comics, it might sound a little academic but, as a long-time reader of Marc's blog, I have faith that it will be an engrossing and insightful read. Don't believe me? Check out his amazing work on Seven Soldiers, Here's a sneak peak at the cover which uses Cameron Stewart's ever-more iconic image originally drawn for Arthur magazine back in 2003.

ITEM! - I thought that would be all but, while checking on Amazon to make sure I got the title of Marc's book right, I found these... The first collected edition of Judge Dredd: Crusade by Morrison, Mark Millar and Mick Austin (which is... not very good) is out from Rebellion next February. But the big news here is this Omnibus-style 384 page hardcover, Batman & Son vs. The Black Glove, combining the previous Batman & Son and Batman: The Black Glove collections (that's #655-#658, #663-669 and #672-675 - fifteen big issues). Available in the UK for pre-order at a paltry £16.43 (or here in the US for an even more reasonable $19.79). I've already ordered my copy...

See you in the funny pages...