Andrew Hickey's Seven Soldiers book as it happens

Post date: Apr 30, 2011 1:17:19 PM

Andrew Hickey, author of the pretty amazing Sci-Ence! Justice Leak! set about writing a 50,000 word treatise on Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers in a fortnight. I'll say that again for emphasis, A FORTNIGHT. As someone whose website lay fallow for the best part of a year while real life got in the way, the sheer hubris of taking on something like this is staggering to me. All credit to him, he's not quite hit his outrageous self-imposed deadline but he's well on the way. There's a fair amount of reading around the material here and a lot of background on quantum physics, life-as-clay and all sorts of other fascinating esoteric stuff but its endlessly interesting and well worth a couple of hours of your time.

His statement of intent can be found here, followed by chapters on Morrison's JLA Classified arc, Seven Soldiers #0, Shining Knight, The Manhattan Guardian and Zatanna. More to come in the next few days hopefully!