View the Latest Monthly and Archived Editions of the Tiger One Technology Integration Newsletter:

Google's Single Sign-On (SSO) now requires us to expressly allow students to log into resources, which emphasizes the need for a secure and seamless login experience for both educators and students. Read more, check out the approved list, or request for an application to be approved.

Plus, check out these Additional Technology Resources:

For Students, Parents, and Community Members
For Elementary Educators
How to Guides
PD Opportunities and Courses

CFCSD Instructional Menu for Digital Learning

The use of these common district-wide approved and supported tools will help students and guardians have consistency and develop competency within them. TOOLS are used to create instruction, as opposed to RESOURCES which provide content. (*are paid/premium accounts*) 

Learning Management Systems Tools

Lesson Delivery Tools

Assessment Tools

Curricular Resources Help Section