Staff and Student Features 

Teacher Helps Kids Learn - Mr. Willard

By: Carmine Genovese, Ashton Johnson & Nick Korneluk

Students  are living in a time of low attention spans and even lower care towards math. To combat this decrease in attention span, Hilton Head Island High School mathematics teacher Mr. Willard is employing unique strategies to help kids learn. Mr. Willard has been inspiring students to think critically and challenge the world around them. 

According to students that have taken his class, Mr. Willard's classes are challenging but rewarding. "He really pushes us to think critically and apply what we learn to real-life situations," one student said. "He is always available to answer our questions and explain concepts in different ways until we understand them."

The student went on to explain how Mr. Willard's teaching methods have helped them develop a deeper understanding of calculus. "He doesn't just teach us how to solve problems, he teaches us why the concepts work and how they apply to the real world," the student noted.

Mr. Willard discussed the challenges of teaching during the pandemic and the importance of adapting to new circumstances. He noted that, "The past year has been tough for everyone, but as educators, we have a responsibility to continue providing quality education to our students." 

Mr. Willard also talked about the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment for his students. He described that, "I want my students to feel comfortable asking questions and participating in class discussions," and "I try to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and respected."

In addition to his teaching duties, Mr. Willard is also the main advisor for the school's calculus club. "We participate in math competitions and other activities that help students explore their passion for calculus and math," he explained. He also noted that, “It is a great way for students to connect with others who share their interests and challenge themselves academically.”

It is clear that Mr. Willard is a dedicated and passionate educator who prioritizes the success and well-being of his students. His commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment and his innovative teaching methods have helped his students develop a deep understanding of calculus and a love for math.

Teacher Prepares Next Generation - Ms. Fuller

By: Carmine Genovese, Ashton Johnson & Nick Korneluk

In a world where understanding government policies and economic principles is becoming ever more important, educators are preparing to teach the upcoming generation. One of these educators is Ms. Fuller, a government and economics teacher at Hilton Head Island High School, a teacher with a large passion for teaching kids and helping them understand the world. Ms. Fuller has been inspiring students to think critically and challenge the world around them. 

Ms. Fuller has always been involved in the fields she teaches, she said "I always felt connected to government. I got selected to economics but now I really enjoy it." Ms. Fuller's enthusiasm for economics and government is contagious, and her students are often found engaged and interested in the topics she teaches.

Ms. Fuller's approach to teaching complex concepts is unique in that she tailors her methods to the individual students she is teaching. She noted that "I approach teaching complex concepts depending on the students I am teaching. I have found teaching using notes and vocabulary practice is most effective."  This personalized approach has proven successful, with students often raving about how much they have learned in her classes over the years.

One of Ms. Fuller's best abilities as a teacher is her use of real-world examples in her classes to help connect her students to what they are learning. "I use real-world examples in my classes to help connect my students to what they are learning," Ms. Fuller said. "This helps my students understand the relevance of what they are learning and how it can be applied to their lives."

Ms. Fuller's ability to ensure that all her students understand the concepts she teaches them is evident in the way she reviews and practices with her students. "I make sure all students are able to understand the concepts I teach them through detailed review and practice," she said. "I want all my students to succeed and feel confident in their abilities."

Ms. Fuller's teaching style is also geared towards fostering critical thinking skills in her students. "I am able to foster critical thinking skills in my students by provoking difficult questions and concepts for them to learn," she explained. "This helps my students develop their problem-solving abilities and encourages them to think more deeply about the topics we are discussing."

Ms. Fuller is a dedicated teacher who is committed to ensuring that her students succeed. Her passion for economics and government, combined with her teaching methods, have earned her a reputation as one of the best teachers at Hilton Head Island High School. As Ms. Fuller herself stated, "I love teaching and hope I can inspire students, and spike future academic development." It is clear that she is succeeding in this goal, as her students are consistently engaged and interested in the topics she teaches.