Parent Teacher Student Organization - PTSO

PTSO provided coffee and lunches for staff for the teachers during the first week of school for professional development, and they continue to provide lunches for staff on a monthly basis.

The PTSO rolled up their sleeves and revamped the garden areas in the courtyards around the school, so students and teachers could enjoy the outdoor space.

Showing true school spirit, the PTSO donated supplies for Homecoming Hall decorating and provided support throughout the week’s festivities.

The PTSO continues to grow its biggest fundraiser, the school store. They have restocked and donated three gift cards to students selected by Mr. Lorenz.

The school store is doing better than anticipated, assuming kids need restocking since they didn’t need clothes last year much. The school store also donated 3 gift cards to students selected by Mr. Lorenz.
Discount cards are selling like crazy.
The Seahawk Support Circle has helped more than 30 students since the start of school by giving clothes and Walmart gift cards. We have helped a family whose house caught on fire get back to school quickly. SCC is working with backpack buddies again this year and providing food to students in need. The Bargain Box and All Saints are once again community supporters of the SIC.