By: Elizabeth Monzon Santos
DECA stands for Distributive Education Clubs of America. Everyone may be wondering what DECA is, here are some explanations for the club. DECA prepares students with writing your resume, properly handling a difficult situation, and it looks amazing on college applications. This year Mrs. Johnson and Dr. Choate are the club advisors for this club and we had the chance to interview them.
Mrs. Johnson has been the advisor ever since she came to HHIHS. When she came to this school she noticed there wasn’t a business clubs. She took it upon herself to start DECA at HHIHS since she used to be the advisor at other schools, she wanted to show the students the opportunities they could receive from the club. She says “DECA provides opportunities to network, build business and presentation skills and deepen their business understanding in Marketing, Finance, Hospitality and Tourism and Business Management.” DECA has now been a club for 3 years and she can't wait to see more students join and learn from this experience.
Dr. Choate is the second advisor for DECA, and she is pretty excited that we have 17 people competing in regionals on December 8th in the new Culinary institution place in Bluffton. States will be held in Charleston so she is hoping that the members will have a great time.
Ashley Ames has been in DECA for two years. She said “DECA has taught me so much about the corporate world. At events you are interacting with real business owners and high school students who want to work in corporate america, which definitely forces you to step up to that.” DECA helps with the future and helps us ACE that interview.
Everyone has a reason for joining a club, this is what Chelsee said “I joined because I had taken business classes in the past and I wanted to apply what I learned in those classes to this club. DECA has allowed me to practice social skills, ethical and business skills. I have made many friends since joining the club and have learned valuable skills that I can use in the real world.” This is her second year of being a part of the club.
When you join a club, you create great memories with your clubmates. Megan Berger said “My best memory is when we went to a dinner for states and Mrs. Johnson, Dr. Choate, and my friends were laughing and celebrating our accomplishments.” DECA helps build friendships and sometimes even a family.