A Letter from the Editor

Newspaper Production Class

by Ms. Spisz
To the first Newspaper Production class at Hilton Head Island High School,
Nineteen of you made school history this semester, you created the first print and digital editions of the school newspaper, The Seahawk Times. Not only did you do this not once, not twice, but three times in just one semester. On top of that, you created three newspapers while experiencing three different learning formats: e-learning, hybrid and traditional face-to-face learning.
You should be extremely proud of yourselves! I am proud of you and your school is proud of you. All nineteen of you grew as writers, students, community members, and people this semester.
You learned how to communicate with adults and students that you may not have talked to before. You learned how to write news articles and quote your sources accurately. You learned how to showcase all the incredible things that happen at HHIHS through writing and pictures.
Teachers remember all of their "first" moments. I will remember this class and all that you accomplished for the rest of my career. What you accomplished this semester will be discussed in future Newspaper Production classes. Your work will be shown to students for years to come.
Congratulations on an amazing semester. I am so proud of each of you. Enjoy the rest of your school year, keep writing, and enjoy all the special moments that our school offers you throughout the rest of your high school career.
Fly High Seahawks!Ms. Spisz

To the Spring Semester Newspaper Production Class

by Ms. Spisz
Welcome to Newspaper Production! I am so excited to meet all of you in February.
We are going to have an awesome semester. In just a few short weeks you are going to be published journalists! By the end of the semester you will have created two newspapers that showcase all the awesome things that happen at HHIHS. You are going to learn how to write in AP format, interview sources, edit, create, design, and publish a print and digital newspaper.
Start thinking about students and staff you want to interview, and what school events/topics you want to write about.
Check out the academics tab and read some advice from the fall semester newspaper production students!
Fly High Seahawks!Ms. Spisz