Wellbeing Weeks

We want students to leave school with an array of positive memories that last for a lifetime, so at Kingswood Academy, we promote the importance of being proactive in taking care of our own wellbeing. Wellbeing weeks take place every half-term and offer a wide array of experiences to provide students and staff with the awareness of different strategies they can use to improve their own wellbeing. These are exciting weeks in our academy and all the events empower students to make new friends, take care of their wellbeing and create positive memories. 

Wellbeing week this term was a huge success with students engaging in a range of activities after school. These sessions aim to support students to learn new skills and enhance physical, intellectual, emotional and social development through competition, play and enjoyment. The following sessions have been offered to students in half term one: Science through the brain, pumpkin carving, cheerleading, learn Spanish and a chess tournament. In half term two, the following sessions were offered to students: Christmas cracker making, baking, bauble-making, boxing and a Christmas quiz. These sessions can offer students with opportunities that they may not have access to outside of the academy and can also inspire them to find new hobbies and socialise with other students outside of the classroom. 

Student Testimonials

Student 1 - 'I have taken part in all the wellbeing weeks, my favourite was the 'Science of Happiness' I worry for no reason sometimes and it was interesting to find out why my brain does this. I love that each wellbeing week there is something different to sign up to. Lots of the things I learn I try at home'.

Student 2 - 'I created the war hammer club because myself and lots of students play at home. I spoke to Miss Williams about setting this up. Warhammer is on every Monday after school and I lead the session to 16 students. It's great because we are given new army's to paint and it's good to have everyone who loves the same thing in one place to share our interests and ideas'.

Student 3- 'I was selected for the rewards trip to Rock Up, this was because I attended the most sessions in a half term. I currently attend Maths, English, Football, Dodgeball and French club every week, I love having something to do at lunchtime and after school because I'm very competitive. The Rock up trip was amazing we have the whole climbing walls to ourselves with an instructor I cant wait to see what the next trip will be if I'm a top attender'.

Student 4 -' I love that there are so many sports on the timetable to try. Netball is something new I started at the beginning of the year. I have represented the school team in the hull schools tournament our Y7 team came 1st overall. Playing in the school team was good in Y7 as I made some new friends which helped me settle into the academy. I have now started to play outside of school to, this is something I would've never done unless I tired this at school and found out my love for Netball'.