Eid Celebrations

Eid Celebrations

Imam Mizan Choudhury from Pearson Park Mosque visits the Academy every year to deliver interesting presentations to our students about Eid. The presentations are extremely informative and engaging as our students learn about the significance of Ramadan and Eid to those who follow the Muslim faith and how and why they are celebrated by Muslims around the world. Our students are given advice on how to support others in the local community when they are fasting during Ramadan. Students engage really well with the presentations and show an interest by asking perceptive follow up questions to enhance their understanding of the celebrations as well as to satisfy their own curiosity!

After the presentations, our students take part in a celebration in the Atrium, involving food, music and decorations. They sample different snacks eaten during the period of Ramadan and Eid and develop a real understanding of what this celebration entails and why so many people choose to take part in it every day. 

The day is a fantastic introduction to these religious celebrations and builds on students’ prior knowledge of Ramadan and Eid from their Academic Mentoring lessons.

Imam Mizan regularly compliments student engagement and enthusiasm throughout the day - our students should be proud of the way they represent the Academy during the celebrations!