Diwali Celebrations

Diwali Celebrations

In November we also regularly host a whole school Diwali celebration. Diwali is the festival of light, celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists around the world every year. The event is an opportunity for students to increase their cultural, global and religious awareness, particularly towards those celebrations and religions that our students may not be too familiar with.

This year, before the main celebration, two of our year 8 students Satya and Tavish deliver an impressive presentation to the each year group in the theatre. They provide a general overview of Diwali, before discussing their own experiences of the celebration. They are able to confidently and articulately answer multiple questions from the audience and provide a very memorable experience.

After the presentation, students celebrate with traditional decorations, music and food. The excitement of students is felt throughout the atrium as they sample traditional snacks and mango lassi. Whilst enjoying their food, the students design postcards to send to our partner school in India wishing them a Happy Diwali.

The Schools of the World Ambassadors demonstrate excellent leadership qualities as they promote the importance of communication with our partner schools throughout the celebration. This is a very memorable event that allows students to immerse themselves in a religious celebration and develop empathy and tolerance for other religions and cultures. Student feedback is extremely positive and we look forward to the next whole school religious celebration!