“In primary I never had any friends. I only spent time with my own family. It was quite sad really. The support I’ve had from this school has really helped me open up to other people more than I could have ever imagined”. 

Year 8 Student

SEN Surgeries

We value your feedback and actively encourage you to get in touch to enable us to work in partnership to further support your child. 

In order to give you the opportunity to discuss your child’s needs with a SENCo you can book a 15 minute appointment at one of our fortnightly SEN Surgeries running from 17:30 - 19:00. In order to book your appointment please contact the academy reception on (01482) 879967. 

Upcoming dates for surgeries this academic year. 

SEN Aims

The main aim of SEN Support is to ensure that Kingswood Academy does everything it can to enable all students; regardless of ability have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. 

This is done through:

To identify and assess students who may require the support of the SEN Team, the following information is considered:

The team also supports students who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Educations Health and Care plan provided by their local authority. 

The team consists of a SENCo, and LSAs who can provide individual, group and in class help and support for pupils with Special Educational Needs. Staff assist children with their educational and social development outside of the classroom to enable students to fully access the high quality teaching within the classroom for all subjects. They also organise and run break time, lunchtime and after school interventions.

We are constantly researching and investigating new interventions to effectively support our students. We aim to ensure that all pupils can access the curriculum and make as much progress in line with their potential.

Learning Support Department

‘A pupil has SEN where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age. Making higher quality teaching normally available to the whole class is likely to mean that fewer pupils will require such support.’ 

(SEND Code of Practice January 2015)

What Ofsted said April 2023

‘Over time, pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve extremely well. Their achievements in external examinations are impressive. The individual needs of pupils with SEND are well known by leaders. Teachers receive detailed information about how to meet these pupils’ needs. This enables teachers to adapt their teaching appropriately so that pupils with SEND are well supported.’

SEN external Audit April 2019 - David Bartram OBE

The SENCO works closely alongside class teachers to support differentiation and curriculum development, so that teachers improve the quality of teaching for all pupils. During the learning walk, it was apparent that class teachers had high expectations of pupils with SEND in their classes. 

The individual needs of pupils with SEND are communicated effectively to ensure that teaching strategies are effective. Staff find the weekly SEND bulletin a helpful resource that provides practical solutions for ensuring that pupils with SEND can access the curriculum.

Class teachers recognise their responsibility for teaching pupils with SEND and are given the tools and support from senior staff to ensure that the strategies they use are practical, relevant and effective. 

From their different starting points, and considering their individual academic and non-academic needs, pupils with SEND achieve some of the best results nationally. Pupils at SEND support in 2018 made exceptional progress.