Physical Education

Curriculum Intent

Students develop competence and excel in a broad range of physical activities and competitive sports that cover the full breadth of the National Curriculum. Using a process of baselining and mastery, students accelerate their progress from isolated practice, through conditioned practice, to competitive game situations by assessing and developing skills and tactical awareness. We aim to inspire a love of sport, a desire to compete to the highest level and a passion for living a healthy and active lifestyle. 

Core PE

Year 10 and 11 - NCFE Heatlth and Fitness

Year 10 and 11 - GCSE Physical Education

PE's Whole School Curriculum Contribution 

All students have an inner-belief and ambition to fulfil their dreams and live a happy and successful life. 

Our curriculum develops well-rounded, knowledgeable and competent sports people who are inspired to pursue sport throughout their lives. Students are given experiences that allow them to pursue a career in sport and compete at the most reputable colleges, universities and future employers. The PE department gives students the tools to develop a love for sport, showing them the importance of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle post school. This curriculum aims to develop an understanding of the importance of sport in improving personal wellbeing. It does this by providing challenging lessons that test students’ ability to never give up and instils persistence in our students. 

All students leave our academy with first-rate qualifications: 

Our spiral curriculum provides all students with first-rate qualifications by ensuring they have an underpinning knowledge and understanding of the sport sector from both a vocational and academic perspective. The curriculum incorporates important aspects of the NCFE Health and Fitness and AQA GCSE PE qualification, such as fitness testing and training for performance, effects of exercise, psychology in sport, practical performance, sports leadership, physiology in sport and anatomy and technology in sport. This allows students to access college qualifications in the form of A Levels and BTEC and pursue a career in the sport sector at the highest level. Those students that show a passion for sport during KS3 have the opportunity to be part of our Sports Leadership programme, giving students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills through a structured programme, giving them a qualification for their CV that will be valued by future colleges and universities. 

All students develop exceptional character: 

Our curriculum provides students with experiences that help students to develop a growth mind-set, a phenomenal work ethic, confidence, high levels of grit, resilience and determination within a sporting context. It aims to develop students to show true sportsmanship through winning with modesty and losing with grace through competition in lesson time and fixtures.  The curriculum also allows our students to develop their soft transferable skills such as teamwork, communication, problem solving and leadership skills, all which develops and builds students’ character and confidence when preparing for a happy and successful life beyond Kingswood Academy. 

All students leave our academy with high levels of cultural and global awareness:

This curriculum provides students with high levels of cultural and global awareness. It does this by providing students with a diverse experience of a variety of different sporting activities within core PE lessons such as football, handball, rugby, lacrosse, tchoukball, OAA and gymnastics. These experiences broaden students’ horizons and expose them to sports played around the world. The PE curriculum also provides students with high levels of global awareness of current affairs within the world of sport so that students are aware of issues that occur in professional sport. 

All students leave with an array of positive memories that last for a lifetime:

This curriculum provides students with an array of positive memories that last a lifetime through active involvement in the ‘Kingswood Sports Academy’. Students are provided with a multitude of experiences such as ‘Fun Fridays’, team training, competing against other schools from around the city, visiting professional sporting fixtures, educating themselves through historical sporting trips  and visiting university sports facilities that inspire and create positive memories.  Annually students participate in our sports day representing their house team in a competitive environment. 

Revision Guides