
Curriculum Intent

Students are equipped with the necessary skills and tools to help them make sense of the world around them. Through a process of baselining and mastery students will develop ambitious procedural and propositional knowledge of the location of globally significant places and their interrelationships with human activity. Students will be given numerous opportunities to use such knowledge to supplement data interpretation and analysis, whilst ensuring that they understand a range of cartographic and graphical skills.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Geography Whole School Curriculum Contribution 

All students have an inner-belief and ambition to fulfil their dreams and live a happy and successful life. 

The geography curriculum equips students with the necessary skills and tools to help them make sense of the world around them. Students will develop their ability to use geographical knowledge, approaches and concepts to analyse and interpret data, alongside the development of a variety of geographical skills. Through the appraisal of information and evaluation of academic models and concepts, the curriculum will prepare students for the rigour of both further and higher education. 

All students leave our academy with first-rate qualifications: 

Geography is a facilitating subject that provides students with transferable skills for success in a wide range of educational or professional settings. Based on a balanced framework of physical and human geography, the GCSE qualification in Geography places emphasis on geographical investigation and communication, and challenges students to draw upon knowledge and assess the quality of information displayed by various graphs and maps. 

All students develop exceptional character: 

Geography fosters a growth mind-set as students are regularly forced to assess the world around them, drawing upon learned information to form judgements and provide justification of opinion. Through regular feedback, both written and verbal, students develop a phenomenal work ethic and passion for self-improvement, as they are regularly given the ambition to think, speak and write like geographers. 

All students leave our academy with high levels of cultural and global awareness:

As a subject, Geography draws upon current affairs with regularity, and as such, students are encouraged to engage in debate and discussion surrounding geographical issues across the world. Through knowledge of, and exposure to, different cultures around the world, students can confidently apply their understanding to consider the effect geography has on both the human and physical environment, and as a result, students are aware of issues that occur in a geographical context beyond the confinements of their locality. 

All students leave with an array of positive memories that last for a lifetime:

Students will develop many positive memories through the study of geography, as they explore fieldwork opportunities through the curriculum. These opportunities are designed to not only ensure that students are given the opportunity to consolidate and extend their geographical understanding, by relating learning to real world scenarios, but also more importantly provide students with an opportunity for the practical application of skills learned during lessons. 

Revision Guides