Exam Results
Our Progress 8 score is +0.46; meaning that in every subject, our students make over half a grade more progress than other students do nationally. Our Attainment 8 score is 54.81, against the National Average of 46.6. This means that our students average grade is almost a grade 6 across all subjects (a standard pass is a grade 4 and a good pass is a grade 5). 76.5% of our students also achieved a Grade 4 or higher in both English and Maths, which is well above the National Average of 69%. 60% of our students achieved a Grade 5 or higher in both English and Maths, which is well above the National Average of 50%. As an Academy, we have the highest expectations of our students, which led to 202 Grade 9s being achieved in GCSE subjects, placing these students’ performance in the top 5% of the country.