Grammar Stream

Our vision

To provide our highest performing students with a challenging curriculum that prepares them to go on and study to degree, masters and doctorate level at the highest performing and most prestigious universities in the world. The Grammar Stream offers students a broad and rigorous curriculum to realise their full potential in line with our mission of every child going on to live a happy and successful life. This is achieved through two different strands:  

Students in the Multilingual Grammar Stream will study 11 subjects, two more than the majority of students, with at least 10 of these subjects being GCSEs. They will also study single Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), Geography and History.

Students in this stream study the following GCSE subjects in Years 10 and 11:

In addition students select one other subject to study during Years 10 and 11, from the subjects listed below, as part of the options process:

The Grammar Stream

Students in the Grammar Stream will study 10 subjects, one more than other students, with at least 9 of these subjects being GCSEs. They will also study single Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), along with all components of the aspirational English Baccalaureate which includes French, Geography and History.  

In addition to the Humanties element of the English Baccalaureate, students on the Multilingual Grammar Stream will study two additional languages (French and German). It will ensure that our students develop the knowledge, skills, talent and confidence to go on and study at some of the world's most prestigious universities such as Oxford, Cambridge or Harvard.

It will ensure that our students develop the knowledge, skills, talent and confidence to go on and study at some of the world's most prestigious universities such as Oxford, Cambridge or Harvard.

Students in this stream study the following GCSE subjects in Years 10 and 11:

In addition students select one other subject to study during Years 10 and 11, from the subjects listed below, as part of the options process:

Due to increased demand on students to be part of the Grammar Stream, students are required to attend all interventions and if not their place in the Grammar Stream will be reviewed.