Core Trips Offer


At Kingswood Academy, an important part of our mission is to ensure that ‘all students leave with an array of positive memories that last for a lifetime’. With this in mind, we have created an exciting set of core trips for all students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. These trips will ensure that all students are able to participate in a wide range of experiences that will help build their cultural and global understanding.

All of these trips are fully funded by the academy so that all students have the opportunity to participate; no child misses out on the chance to enjoy the wide range of activities and experiences on offer.

Through our Core Trips Offer, students will build a curiosity and awareness of the world around them which will allow them to engage to a greater depth in lessons. They also provide learning through experience, allowing them to gain a practical understanding of the concepts they learn about at school.


On Tuesday 15th February our Year 9 students visited Life as part of our Core Trips offer to all year groups. The students had a brilliant day and it was an engaging experience for all to see interesting new things like a planetarium and learn about our wonderful world.


On Tuesday 8th February our Year 8 students visited Magna as part of our Core Trips offer to all year groups. The students had a brilliant day and it was an engaging experience discovering natural elements, earth, air, water and fire.

Yorkshire Wildlife Park

On Friday 1st April, our Yr7 students embarked on their first core trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Pupils had a fantastic day, seeing a variety of animals from across the world in a conservational setting and specially designed habitats.

Imperial War Museum

On Friday 17th March, Year 10 visited the Imperial War Museum North as part of the Core Trips programme. Students were able to experience a wide range of interactive exhibitions around war throughout the years. This was a superb opportunity for students to enhance their understanding of war and its context around the world.

Residential Trips

Alongside these incredible day-trips, students will also experience our one-night residential programme in Years 7, 8 and 9. These residential trips will take place at a different venue each year to ensure that students have multiple opportunities to visit places outside of their local community and city.

On these residential trips, students will develop their independence and resilience while having great fun and making memories that last a lifetime. The trips will provide them with opportunities to develop communication and teamwork skills while completing some thrilling activities like abseiling, zip wires, craft building, kayaking, canoeing, archery, climbing and fencing.

Year 8 - In April 2022, our Year 8 students embarked on the academy's first fully funded residential to Dearne Valley, an environmentally sustainable centre in 2012 boasting one of Europe’s largest solar panels! Students were able to access the start of the art activity park which included high and low ropes, zip wires and climbing structures that took all pupils outside of their comfort zones and challenged what they thought they were capable of! The trip to Dearne Valley was a great opportunity for pupils to step outside their comfort zone, develop their resilience and create memories that last a lifetime. We can;t wait to return next year! 

Year 9 - In May 2022, our Year 9 cohort travelled to Caythorpe Court for their first taste of a school residential. Caythorpe Court is set in 65 acres of space and gave pupils the exciting opportunity to try a wide range of activities from high ropes, raft building on the lakes, giant swing and team-building activities to develop their teamwork and resilience. These amazing activities and challenges provided students with an amazing opportunity for students to stretch themselves and broaden their horizons.

For any further information, please contact Mr Moore via email:

If a student's behaviour or attendance falls below the expected standard, the school leadership team has the right to remove the privilege of attending the trip.