Academy Awards

Each year we host the prestigious Kingswood Academy Awards ceremony. Year on year we welcome record crowds to celebrate the exceptional achievements of our students.  Guests are greeted on arrival by performances from the Kingswood Academy Music Academy. Parents, relatives, and Special Guests are treated throughout the evening to a plethora of Kingswood Academy Talent – ranging from our outstanding drama group – to stunning soloists – to speeches- to the Kingswood Academy Choir. Each year, Academy Staff are blown away by the exceptional talent and professionalism of our students. Students past and present receive awards for their attendance, character, contribution to their house and subject performance, ending with the most prestigious awards from the Governors, Trust and Headteacher. It's a phenomenal ending to an outstanding Academic year.

Academy Awards 2023

In 2023 we were delighted to host the Academy Awards at the prestigious Bonus Arena. The event was a sell out with almost 3000 people in attendance. Free transport was provided for all families and an unlimited number of tickets were made available to each family free of charge along with a free glossy program for families to keep as a momento of the evening. 

On the evening over 800 rewards were issued and there were 18 fantastic student performances. 

Academy Awards 2022

Academy Awards 2019

Academy Awards 2018

Academy Awards 2017

Academy Awards 2016