
Curriculum Intent

Students can understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of sources. They can write at varying lengths for different purposes. They can communicate verbally using speaking and listening skills, which enables them to continue to improve their pronunciation. Using a process of baselining with a grammar focus and mastery, students accelerate their progress from simple translations, to more complex structures and open writing tasks. We aim to inspire a love of languages and an appreciation of a range of writing. 

Year 10

Year 11

German Whole School Curriculum Contribution 

All students have an inner-belief and ambition to fulfil their dreams and live a happy and successful life. 

Teachers draw on their personal experiences to instil the belief that students can achieve anything; they guide students to discover the opportunities that become available to them though learning a language including travelling, studying, and working abroad. Teachers deliver a mastery curriculum that creates a solid foundation for A-Level and the study of languages into further education, including world-class universities. The pillars of progression in the curriculum are phonics, vocabulary, and grammar. These components equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. 

All students leave our academy with first-rate qualifications: 

Focusing from day one on phonics, students become autonomous learners, able to speak and communicate in the target language and self-correct their pronunciation through a system of sounds and actions. We teach students a range of topics and vocabulary, which enables us to explore in-depth MFL grammar, creating a solid foundation for A-Level and beyond. In addition, EAL students are given the opportunity to study their native language to GCSE as the academy provides funding for tutors to refine and perfect their language skills. 

All students develop exceptional character: 

Students are guided to build a growth mind-set through scaffolded support questions that enable them to independently access the most ambitious work. For this reason, our teachers praise effort over attainment. All students are encouraged and expected to push themselves and participate in all tasks, even when this exceeds their comfort zone such as speaking and reading aloud in the target language. Teachers model this willingness to learn by sharing their own language learning journeys, their enthusiasm and moreover their passion for MFL. Teachers create opportunities for pupils to practice using the target language, including helping them to apply their knowledge in an unscripted way. Error correction is explicit where the focus is on accuracy: pupils are prompted that there has been an error and their own correction is elicited. 

All students leave our academy with high levels of cultural and global awareness:

All students discover and study a range of cultural events and festivals that happen in the francophone and germanophone world. When studying controversial global and social issues, such as the environment, charity and poverty, students are given the opportunity to debate and explain their points of view. We readily challenge students’ preconceptions and stereotypes of the wider world whilst maintaining a safe and supportive space for students to open these conversations. The ethos that learning a language can be ‘a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures’ is an integral part of curriculum plans and teachers encourage pupils to appreciate and celebrate difference.   

All students leave with an array of positive memories that last for a lifetime:

Teachers are genuinely passionate about MFL and therefore they revel in the opportunity to share their “raison d’être” through authentic music, film, books, TV, and radio to build students’ resilience to authentic listening and reading skills. Students are engaged through a variety of mediums, including online competitions and digital language learning platforms. 

Revision Guides