Pyramid of Contact

We understand that when you have a concern about your child as a parent you want this to be dealt with as quickly and as efficiently as possible, it is therefore natural for you to feel that speaking to the Headteacher will allow your problem to be dealt with as quickly efficiently as possible. However, in an academy of this size, it is impossible for the Headteacher to know every child on such a detailed level whilst also running the school effectively.

To ensure that you and your child receive the most appropriate support, we have set-up a year team structure where each child has a Year Leader who is responsible for their welfare within the academy. Your child's Year Leader works closely with your child's Academic Mentor who is often the person who knows your child best. In the first instance your child's Academic Mentor or Year leader is the most appropriate person to receive your concerns. Reception have therefore been asked to book meetings with your child's Year Leader or their Academic Mentor in the first instance before a meeting can be booked with the Headteacher or other Senior Leaders.

If after having a meeting with your child's Year Leader you feel that the situation is not resolved, the next level of contact will be with either your child's Head of Year (if they have one) or Mr Root (Assistant Headteacher - Behaviour).

If Mr Root is unable to resolve these matters the next level of contact will be with one of our Deputy Headteachers.

If our Deputy Headteachers are unable to resolve these matters the next level of contact will be the Headteacher.

For your information all meetings with parents must be booked in advance and staff are not available to meet without prior arrangements.

If you wish to bring additional professional support to a meeting in the academy, the academy requires three working days in advanced notice in order to arrange suitable and appropriate representation.

We have the right to decline any meeting until appropriate arrangements have been made.