Student Podcasts

The View from the Ten-foot

"This year has seen the inaugural edition of Kingswood’s student-run podcast ‘The View from the Ten-foot’. Entirely student-led and delivered. Students have been grilling members of staff on topics ranging from their music tastes to their knowledge of Kingswood Academy.

The podcast has two permanent fixtures, which are a ‘Desert Island Discs’ and a Kingswood Quiz section. The third segment has varied from sporting bulletins, talking to the prefect team and conservations about what possible options there are for students once they have completed their GCSEs.

In ‘Desert Island Discs’, staff are asked to choose three songs which are particularly meaningful to them and explain the backstory before inevitably being asked who in their department they would most like to be stranded with. The Kingswood Quiz tests staff and students on facts about Kingswood and Hull alongside their general knowledge which can range from music to sport to English literature.

Whether it is learning about Mrs Raynor's time travelling around the world, finding out from Mrs Hartley what her favourite musicals are and hearing all about the school production of Oliver! or simply finding an opportunity to celebrate the fantastic achievements of the students, the presenters artfully reveal sides to Kingswood rarely covered during the school day!"