Argentina Visit

Argentina Visit

In October we hosted an international visit from Yapeyu School near Buenos Aires in Argentina. Our Schools of the World Ambassadors met with the group of students and staff to explore the similarities and differences between the UK and Argentina. Students engaged in conversations about language, culture and traditions and the students from Yapeyu School even taught the Ambassadors some Spanish!

Following an immersive and traditional English afternoon tea, the Ambassadors led guided tours around the Academy with the Yapeyu students being particularly impressed with our facilities! The staff complemented the classroom environments and how engaged all of our students were in lessons. 

At the end of the day, the Yapeyu students took part in a Kingswood lesson to sample the curriculum that we offer. They informed us that they don’t study subjects like Maths and Science as their school specialises in social studies, so it was a great opportunity to take part in something different.

The Schools of the World Ambassadors were excellent representatives of the Academy and the Yapeyu students described the visit as “spectacular, wonderful and a great experience”. This was a fantastic day full of new experiences and students definitely created memories that last a lifetime!