
Welcome to AET's ‘Let’s Talk Futures’  - a one stop shop for parents / carers looking to support their children as they make important decisions about their future pathways. 

As parents, carers and guardians, you are the biggest influencer of your young person's decisions about their next steps, their qualification choices, their place of study and ultimately their career choice. As parents it is not always easy to know where to find the latest information, what questions to ask or what advice to give. Hopefully this website, the supporting guides, resources and signposting to useful links will help you to support your child to make informed decisions and turn their aspirations into reality.


Below are a series of 4 digital guides. Simply click on each guide to access it. Each magazine style guide has been written by independent experts from ‘The Parent Guide To’ and contains the latest information about qualification types, post 16 options, universities and apprenticeships.

A Parent’s Guide to
Post-16 Options

A Parent’s Guide to

A Parent’s Guide to

A Parent’s Guide to Helping your Child Stand Out from the Crowd    

A Parent’s Guide to T Levels

Do Together Tasks - click on the image below to access

We have created a series of short tasks and activities that you might like to use with your child when discussing careers at home. The resource is designed to help you instigate purposeful career conversations and includes things like key questions you might like to ask, discussion prompts you can use, short activities that you can set and links to resources and websites that you can explore together.

Key Stage 3  |  Year 7, 8 & 9

Key Stage 4  |  Year 10 & 11

Let's Talk Futures' - Live webinar: Sign Up by Registering below

Key Stage 3  |  Year 7, 8 & 9

Monday 28th March, 6:15pm-7pm 

‘Thinking about the future’ 

A short and informal live webinar session for KS3 parents and their children. The session will be in the format of a panel discussion and will include experts such as careers advisers and recruitment specialists. You will have opportunities to submit questions during the session via the chat facility and panellists will do their best to respond to these. The discussion will cover the skills employers look for, the jobs market of tomorrow, the range of progression routes available and considerations when choosing KS4 options. The webinar will be recorded and posted on this page so that you can watch it back should you wish to.

Please fill in the form below to register and you will be sent a link to join the event.

Key Stage 4  |  Year 10 & 11

Wednesday 11th May, 6:15pm-7pm 

 ‘Preparing for Post 16 Pathways’

A webinar for KS4 parents and their children: The webinar will cover qualifications, progression routes and ‘choosing the right pathway for me’. This will be targeted at Y10 and Y11 parents.

Please fill in the form below to register and you will be sent a link to join the event.

Additional Sources of Support

Contact your schools Career Leader

Every school has a Careers Leader - the person who is responsible, not only for careers advice, but for the entire careers provision within school. Your school should always be your first point of contact for your queries. Your school knows your child best, have supported you for many years and will be very aware of all of the options available to you. The contact details of your school's career leader can be found on the careers section of your schools website.

Access ‘Talking Futures’ National Resources for Parents

AET is supporting parental engagement in careers work at a national level. A series of useful resources for parents and for parents to use with their children can be found at:

Contact the National Careers Service

Every AET School is committed to providing you with the highest quality careers provision and support possible. Please speak to your school’s careers leader if you want to speak to the school careers adviser. We appreciate however, that sometimes you may like additional independent advice from beyond your school and even beyond our AET family of schools.

If this is the case, we would remind you that all young people and their parents can contact the National Careers Service and can speak to an independent careers adviser by phone, text, email or webchat.