Light Pronunciations of the Ejective Affricate [ čʼ ]: We have only light pronunciations of the ejective affricate in this interview segment. See what we say about this in the interview segment “It Stinks, Stank”.
Instant Phonetic Englishization: dloo_ch!ee ah_yoo, as two separate words: ‘It stinks, indeed’,
or putting it together, as Lolly then does: dloo_ch!ah_yoo.
What we put together as a phrase for Annie Miner Peterson’s Milluk in our table of transcriptions does not occur in the Milluk texts, but then the English word ‘sour’ does not occur as a translation of any word in the Milluk texts and does not appear in Jacobs’ slip-file dictionary, nor on any of the PDFs that we have of pages of Milluk phrases and sentences that Jacobs elicited from Mrs. Peterson.