Hand 2

Light Ejective Pronunciation:  Lolly pronounces the Ejective Front K [ k̯ʼ ] of this word with such a light ejective pronunciation that it sounds like a Voiceless Un-aspirated Front K [ k̯ ] and maybe really is a Voiceless Un-aspirated Front K [ k̯ ].  We have some outside evidence of this.  In his (2003) dissertation, on pages 240-242, Jason Younker has his own rough transcript of Lolly’s interview with his own instant phonetic transcriptions of the words as he heard them.  He actually wrote the first consonant of this Milluk word meaning ‘hand’, as he heard it in this interview segment, as a voiced stop consonant g. 


What we say about the first consonant of the Milluk word in the interview segment “Child” also applies.  We say there: “There are other Milluk words where Lolly pronounces ejective consonants with robust ejective pronunciations.  There are also other Milluk words where Lolly pronounces what are otherwise ejective consonants with what we call ‘heavy pronunciations’ of them, which are decidedly voiced pronunciations of them.  However, see what we say about a voiceless un-aspirated stop consonant that we hear in Lolly’s first pronunciation of the Milluk word in the interview segment “He knew it”.”