Tsunami Story
This is a story called "The Water Got High." These pages are from Melville Jacobs interviewing Annie Miner Peterson in 1934.
It is a recollection passed down many generations about the 1700 Cascadia Fault Tsunami in the Miluk language.
the water got high tƚə‿há•p! hɛ•́ wi
Long long ago there was (once) a continuous rain, tƚɛ‿hɛ•́ •niyɛ gu•s‿mi´n i´l•ɛ•́ q,
not large raindrops, án‿wá• i´l•ɢ̣ɛs,
fine small raindrops. ɛ•č'i´li‿i´l•ɢ̣ɛs.
It rained a long long time. hɛ•́ •niyɛ i´l•ɛq́ •
Then the ocean became higher, hɛi‿má•tsi báldi•´məs phwi•´lá•t’,
and the waters rose. wɛń ‿kwi‿hɛ•́ wi tƚə‿há•p!.
The people who had canoes got into them there, i´‿n0tƚgwə́lsɛ•‿k’áʰ wi´‿ɢ̣ɛ`́ ‿iƚxƛ̯ ʼú•təm,
all the people dashed towards their canoes, gú•s‿k’áʰ tƚgwə́licdʒa'iƚdə‿yaɢ ̣áda