
In our table of transcriptions, we quote the simplest form of the word that we find in the Milluk texts in order to represent Annie Miner Peterson’s pronunciation of this word.  It is a close match with what Lolly says, if one takes into account the common k-q sound correspon­dence and the rare sound correspondence of s-ts.  For another example of the rare correspondence of s-ts see the word meaning ‘thick fir bark’, ‘fir tree’, in the interview segment “Fir Tree, Bark”. In the case of the word here meaning ‘grandfather’, the consonant [ t ] seems to have left a trace in the form of a barely detectable glottal stop at the beginning of Lolly’s version of this word.  See also the interview segment “He bit (bite)” for another variation of the s-ts sound correspondence.  

Instant Phonetic Englishization:  skoo_loo_k!.  The uvular stop consonants, represent by q, in Lolly’s version of the word are made farther back in the throat. 

The u at the end of exactly Jacobs’ transcription is a small superscript u, which we find does not come out that way across all platforms.