He Broke It

Instant Phonetic Englishization:  Like saying ‘its’ and ‘kai’, rhymes with ‘pie’, said as one word without the vowel i at the beginning.   

Mrs. Peterson seems not to have said this word at any time in her work with Melville Jacobs, although in the Milluk texts there are a number of examples of a verb | tsx̣á· | ‘split (something)’.   If the word | tsx̣á· | is a version of the word that we hear in this interview segment from Mrs. Metcalf, it would not be the only case where Lolly’s version of a Milluk word has [ k ] where Annie’s version of a Milluk word has [ x̣ ].  See the Milluk word that means ‘deer’, and the Milluk word that means ‘snake’.