
Link to the Sound File:  We have a URL as a link to the sound file for this interview segment.

Another Milluk Word That Ends This Way:  See what we say about Jacobs’ transcriptions of the Milluk word meaning ‘name’, to be found on the web page for the interview segment “Name”. 

It happens that in Jacobs’ slip-file dictionary he has both [ saʽn ] which we modernize to be [ saʰn ] and he also has the transcription [ saɴ ], just as he has both [ g̯ísgaʽn ] which we modernize to be [ g̯ísgaʰn ] and on the same file slip for the Milluk and Hanis words meaning ‘gall’, he also has [ g̯ísgaɴ ].  

Instant Phonetic Englishization:  giss_guhn.