Mousetrap Car Tool Safety


Absolutely NO HORSEPLAY.

No open toe shoes in the tool room. Closed toe shoes only.

Students must be wearing safety goggles at all times.

Students must not have any loose hair, jewelry or clothing that can get caught in the machinery.

Students DO NOT make adjustments to/ try to fix any machinery.

Only one student per machine at a time.

Scrap pieces must be cleared away from machines, after machine is OFF.

Machines must be turned off before you walk away from them. No exceptions

Do not walk away from a machine while it is still running. EVER.

Leave the area/machine/tool room cleaner than you found it.  


Drill Press 

    1. Measure/mark your holes

    2. Align your marks with drill bit

    3. Clamp your wood

    4. Turn machine on

    5. Drop drill bit *completely* through your wood (drill your hole)

    6. Turn Off/ unplug/ clean up

Scroll Saw

    1. Measure/ mark your lines

    2. Turn machine on

    3. Cut your wood- fingers never closer than 2 inches from blade

    4. Turn Off/ unplug/ clean up

Coping Saw

    1. Measure/ mark your lines

    2. Clamp your wood

    3. Cut wood with the D-bar perpendicular (90 degree) to the wood (so the blade doesn't break)

    4. Clean up/ put away tools

Utility Knife & Safe Cutting Techniques

Don’t use utility knives to pry loose objects.

Hand a utility knife to another person CLOSED and with the handle first.

Do not toss a knife to someone. EVER.

Do not try to catch a falling knife. 

If there is a problem with a blade, tell the teacher immediately!

Student tool Cabinet:

All tools in this cabinet are usable by students.

Tools are identified by labels and are outlined to ensure that they are replaced properly.


There is no power to the tool outlets, unless it is turned on using the GREEN button on the wall.

Other than the end of class, power should only be turned off in the event of an emergency using the red button.