Basic Portraits

Portraiture is a very important kind of photography! Though with so many 'selfies', sometimes we forget how important it can be! In this final lesson, we will learn several different kinds of portraits, and you will get to practice taking them before our final project!

How to take Stunning Portraits

9 Types of Portraits


Take 4 of your own portriats with perfect focus and composition

Each portrait should be a different type (see the above link for more info)

Each portait can be of the same person, or different people- it doesn't matter

TYPES to choose from:

Traditional Environmental Candid Glamor Lifestyle Conceptual Abstract

Consider: Framing, Composition, etc. to tell the viewer about your subject.

What is the environment you will be taking your photographs in?

Take your time to set up your environment.

** These need to tell the viewer about your subject. **

How can you visually show what this person is like?

Step 1: Create a new page on your website called, "Portraits"

Step 2: Write out several ideas you are thinking about for your portraits

WHO are you going to photograph?

WHAT kind of portrait will it be?

HOW will you compose and frame your photo to be successful?

Step 3: Conduct some online research. Look up portraits of the different characters/emotions that you are wanting to capture. Make mental notes about their expressions, body posture, and photo composition.

Step 4:

Collect your press pass and camera- go get your photos!

(We will be using these for the final project this week!)

Step 5:

Upload your 4 images onto your computer, named LASTNAME_PORTRAIT#

(the number changes depending on which portrait it is, you should have 4 total)

Step 6:

Upload your 4 images onto your "Portraits" webpage